Chiddingstone Housing Needs Survey 2023
The Housing Needs Survey Report has now been received.
In summary, of
the 21 returns, a need for up to 18 affordable homes, for the following local
households was identified:
• 3 x single people
• 6 x couples without children
• 9 x families with children
2 of the 18 households include older people and 12 of the households live in Chiddingstone Parish and 6 live outside but indicated local connections. In addition to the above, there was a requirement for 2 Self-Build properties. The survey did not identify a need for alternative housing for older homeowners.
If you have a housing need or if you would like to know more about affordable housing, please contact the Clerk at
Site adjacent to Chequers, Bough Beech
The Parish Council has, in partnership with English Rural Housing Association, launched a public consultation on a small development of local needs housing in Bough Beech. The proposal is to design, build and manage a small development of eight affordable rented homes for local people. The
scheme would comprise the following homes:
2 x one bedroom flats;
2 x two bedroom flats;
3 x two bedroom houses; and
1 x three bedroom house
In addition, 3 x three bedroom open market homes are proposed. These will provide valuable cross-subsidy for the affordable homes.
We are really keen to hear from local residents about your thoughts on this proposal. Please see for more information, for your opportunity to respond to the consultation and to register interest in one of the proposed new homes. If you are unable to access the online consultation, but would still like to make comments please contact the clerk.
Site adjacent to Bassetts, Chiddingstone Causeway
The following are the proposed site layout plans, perspective and appearance of the affordable housing scheme in Chiddingstone Causeway.
For more information please contact the Clerk.