
Chiddingstone Parish Council acts as a consultee for all planning applications in the parish. Sevenoaks District Council is the planning authority and will decide whether or not an application is granted, taking into consideration comments made by the Parish Council and other consultees, such as Kent Highway Services and The Environment Agency.

Please see details below of planning applications received by the Parish Council, together with our comments as submitted to Sevenoaks District Council.

If you would like to submit a comment to Sevenoaks District Council, either for or against an application, please send a copy to the Clerk of the Parish Council and we will take your comments into consideration whilst discussing the application. The deadline date displayed is our final date for submitting our comments to Sevenoaks District Council. If you would like to know when an application will be considered by the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk.

To view applications on the Sevenoaks District Council website, see, then enter the application number without the SE prefix, for example Ref. No: 09/00009/FUL, in the search box.

Please see the free planning tools provided by Sevenoaks District Council

Current Planning Applications


Land North East of Newtyehurst Cottages Cowden Pound Road To Truggers Lane Mark Beech

Construction of a proposed track.


The Old Rectory, The Village, Chiddingstone TN8 7AH

Various works to trees.


Truggers Barn, Truggers Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BP

Insert 4 rooflights to West roof slope, and first floor window to West Elevation.


Watstock Farm, Wellers Town Road, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BH

Conversion of agricultural barn to a new detached dwelling.


Tithe Barn North, Clouts Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech, TN8 7PH

Proposed new external oil tank and boiler.


Hoath Hall, Truggers Lane To Grove Road Chiddingstone Hoath Kent TN8 7DD

Various works to trees.


Lockskinners Farm, Lockskinners, Chiddingstone TN8 7NA

Installation of replacement boiler flue in a new location.


Lee Witchell Agricultural Services, Newtyehurst Farm, Cowden Pound Road To Truggers Lane, Markbeech TN8 7DA

Conversion of barn C into two semi detached dwellings with car parking and solar panels.


Land North East of Newtyehurst Cottages, Cowden Pound Road To Truggers Lane, Mark Beech

Construction of a proposed track.


Keepers Cottage, Somerden Green, Chiddingstone TN8 7AL

Conversion of existing ancillary outbuilding to provide a three bedroom dwelling with associated car parking and amenity space.


Horseshoes Cottage, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech TN8 7AT

Demolition of outbuilding.


Land West of Chequers Barn, Chequers Hill, Bough Beech TN8 7PD

Amendment 23/03153/CONVAR to include Solar panels.


Land North of Oakenden Farm, Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DE

Surfacing of existing farm track to serve agricultural barn.


Somerden Barn, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech TN8 7AJ

Internal alterations. New extractor vent.


The Cattle Byre, Clouts Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech, TN8 7PH

Various works to trees.

SE/24/02254/HOUSE and SE/24/02255/LBCALT

Hoath House, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DB

Repair floor to resolve damp issues, new internal openings to form new kitchen and dining area, replace existing external doors and window, replace window with patio doors. Repair porch and alter external patio levels.


Scotland Barn, Watstock Farm, Wellers Town Road, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BH

Minor Material Amendment to 21/03307/FUL - reconfiguration of fenestration including removal and new proposed roof windows, alterations to terrace space.


Coneyearth, Hampkins Hill Road, Chiddingstone TN8 7BA

Confirmation that the buildings sheds 1, 2 and 3 are lawful.


Becketts Farm, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech TN8 7AU

Removal and replacement of roof tiles and tile hanging, lead valleys, replacement rooflight, repair/partial rebuild of chimney stack, rainwater goods. Internal repairs.


3 Post Office Cottages, Tonbridge Road, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JP

Single storey rear extension with rooflights. New rooflight to existing dwelling.


Bassetts, Tonbridge Road, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JX

Amendment to 24/00521/FUL -Reductions in the overall amount of glazing across the elevations of the dwelling. Thickening of walls to allow for suitable insulation (approved height and overall external dimensions have not been altered).


Somerden Hop Barn, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech TN8 7AJ

1-1.5 storey front extension to form entrance lobby, workshop, garage and staff accommodation. Single storey attached stable to create two stables and tack room with associated hard and soft courtyard landscaping.


Land North of Highway Depot, Tonbridge Road, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JL

Proposed new dwelling, new access and all associated works.


Winkhurst Farmhouse, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill TN14 6LB

Convert the stables used for storage to a separate domestic dwelling.


Polebrook Farm, Bore Place Road, Chiddingstone TN8 7AP

Repair and replacement of external render to barn.


Finch Green House, Finch Green, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DJ

Demolition of existing garage and sheds, ground and first floor extensions to the existing dwelling, roof alterations, alterations to fenestration, replacement garage, new pool house, porch, landscaping and all associated works.

SE/24/01312/HOUSE and SE/24/01313/LBCALT

Tithe Barn North, Clouts Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech TN8 7PH

New single storey rear extensions with rooflights and single storey side extension. Internal alterations.


The Old Police House, Clinton Lane, Bough Beech, TN8 7PP

Proposed two-storey extension, solar panels to front elevation, new porch, internal alterations and alterations to fenestration.


Outbuilding West Of Lockskinners House Lockskinners Chiddingstone Kent TN8 7NA

Installation of an external boiler flue (black) to the west side elevation to less than 1 meter above eaves height. Flue is more than 600mm from boundary and will not extend higher than ridge height.


Tithe Barn North, Clouts Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech, TN8 7PH

Non material amendment to SE/22/02435/HOUSE.


The Rustles, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech TN9 7PG

Minor Material Amendment to SE/21/04240/HOUSE


Mole End, Hill Hoath Road, Chiddingstone TN8 7AE

Conversion of the existing detached house into two semi-detached properties with an additional single storey rear extension. New vehicle access for the additional property will be formed to the north of the site.

SE/24/00738/FUL & SE/24/00739/LBCALT

The Wheatsheaf, Hever Road, Bough Beech TN8 7NU

Stationing of timber cabin as commercial kitchen. Installation of canopy and enclosure of cold store.


Land West of Hale Oak Farmhouse, Hale Oak Road, Sevenoaks Weald TN14 6NQ (adjoining parish consultation)

The conversion of an existing agricultural barn into a two storey dwelling and detached garage.

SE/24/00693/HOUSE & SE/24/00702/LBCALT

The Barn, Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DE

Replace single glazing in existing timber casement windows with vacuum sealed double glazed units.


Scotland Barn, Watstock Farm, Wellers Town Road, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BH

Scotland Barn, Watstock Farm, Wellers Town Road, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BH

SE/24/00579/HOUSE & SE/24/00588/LBCALT

The Barn, Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DE

Demolish the existing oil tank and log store within the residential curtilage, and replace it with a new garden shed.


Bassetts, Tonbridge Road, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JX

Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of new dwelling, alterations to landscaping and driveway. (Following refusal of recent non-material amendment application which sought changes to internal layout windows and creation of basement, a new full application has been submitted).


Bore Place Conference and Study Centre, Bore Place Road, Chiddingstone

A polytunnel for the growing of vegetables for the market garden.


Pear Tree Cottage, Truggers Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BP

Erecting a new vehicular access with a proposed new gate, part demolition of existing retaining wall with erection of a new retaining wall.


The Rectory, The Village, Chiddingstone TN8 7AH

Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: T1 Common ash - Tree in decline due to Ash Die back: Works Required - Dismantle. T2 Silver birch - Tree in Decline: Works required - Dismantle. G4 Common Ash x 3 - Trees in decline due to Ash die back: Works required - Dismantle.


Land North of Oakenden Farm, Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath

Agricultural store.

SE/24/00051/FUL & SE/24/00052/LBCALT

3 The Village, Chiddingstone TN8 7AH

Wooden decking with a corrugated polycarbonate roof supported by timber posts within the existing rear garden of The Tulip Tree Tea Rooms.


2 Hobbs Hill Farm Cottage, Bradley Road, Blackham, Chiddingstone, TN3 9UP

Non material amendment to 23/01483/HOUSE (Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Internal alterations. Alterations to roof. Alterations to fenestration. Rooflights. PV Panels. Sun tunnel. Juliet balcony) Alterations to fenestration - to increase the size of the sliding doors and juliet balcony, this has in turn amended the first floor layout and removed the previous dressing room window to the rear.