Gatwick & Aircraft Noise

Chiddingstone Parish Council is campaigning against aircraft noise, low-flying aircraft, night flights and the threat of a second runway at Gatwick Airport. The Parish Council has been instrumental in creating a new group called High Weald Councils Aviation Action Group. As an individual Parish Council, we represent our parishioners and can therefore respond to various consultations on their behalf. Whilst this does have an impact, by joining forces with other like-minded parishes and residents, it is hoped that we will have a far greater influence. The Parish Council and High Weald Councils Aviation Action Group have both submitted responses to various consultations (see below), and will continue to campaign and respond to future consultations on behalf of our community.

Website for the The High Weald Councils Aviation Action Group
The High Weald Councils Aviation Action Group policy can be found here


Update 22.10.19

Gatwick event poster
Chiddingstone Parish Council is encouraging all residents to attend GON's public meeting on Friday 1st November at 8pm in Penshurst Church - go along to hear their plans and give your support.

Update 24.09.19

Aircraft Shadow
Chiddingstone Parish Council has contacted Gatwick Airport Ltd, the Civil Aviation Authority and the National Air Traffic Services in order to invite them to a meeting to explain how the Gatwick Airport 2019 ‘Masterplan’ will affect Chiddingstone. They have all sent emails of apology that they could not attend. You can read these emails in the Minutes of the September Parish Council meeting. Undoubtedly, the Masterplan will be detrimental to Chiddingstone parish. There will be more planes, more frequently, for longer every day. We are working to campaign against this expansion with other Parish Councils, Gatwick Obviously Not (GON) and the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign. There will be an opportunity in October to attend a meeting in Penshurst where you can put your points to our MP, Tom Tugendhat. More information will be posted here in due course.

Gatwick's Master Plan

Gatwick Airport Ltd is currently consulting on its new Master Plan. The deadline for comments is 10th January 2019.

Gatwick Master Plan consultation

Gatwick want to:
  • increase the use of the runway from 55 to 60 flights an hour and increase the number of hours in the day when they operate at that capacity.
  • use the emergency runway routinely, increase flights to 70 flights an hour.
  • safeguard land to the south of the airport for a future runway.

Why you should respond - Deadline is 10 January 2019
  • If you are under the more concentrated flight path it is very likely to negatively affect the value of your house.
  • Being exposed to aircraft noise will have negative impact on your long term health even if you are not bothered by it.
  • This level of noise exposure is proven to affect your children’s ability to learn.
Find the full Master Plan and consultation on

Email your response to:

The High Weald Councils Aviation Action Group's Response is below - the full version is available at

The main points of objection which you can include are:

  • The councils agree that the most significant issue is that the Master Plan takes no account of the need to balance growth with environmental impact.
  • The effect of 60 air traffic movements per hour and “peak spread” will make air traffic controllers direct aircraft to join the final approach in a more concentrated pattern further from the airport.
  • It also increases the chances of spill over from the day schedule into the night period. This is not acceptable.
  • We support sustainable growth at the airport. 45 flights an hour would allow for maximum dispersal, and growth based on sustainable year round use.
  • A full airspace change should be required.
  • Gatwick must protect and compensate residents for the disruption.
  • The environmental impact has not been balanced with growth.
  • Use of the emergency runway makes the issue of environmental noise impact; lack of adequate surface access; air pollution even harder to solve. Use of the emergency runway creates safety concerns if the main runway is out of action.
  • The increase in use, and for that peak capacity to be spread, will bring increased concentration of flights making an already unsustainable situation worse.
  • We strongly oppose the safe-guard of land to the south of the airport for an additional runway. The UK has decided on a hub at Heathrow.
  • This change along with the one in 2013 constitutes a 35% increase in overflight.
  • Gatwick should adhere to World Health Organisation guidance; provide a noise protection scheme; noise insulation for homes; compensation for loss of amenity.
  • Climate scientists are currently warning of the necessity to reduce carbon emissions and prevent permanent damage to the planet. The Master Plan does not recognise the severity or the proximity of that threat.
  • Gatwick and the airlines need to be carbon neutral. Gatwick needs to be playing a clearer role in helping the Government meet its carbon targets.
  • Gatwick’s engagement strategy has been to set up new forums to engage with the public, but then fail to act on what they are told. The airport knows the impact without doing anything to mitigate or compensate those negatively affected.
  • Our residents use the M23 and M25 and Southern Rail routes to London for work and leisure on routes that are already at full capacity. The M23, M25 and Brighton main line are not suitable to carry the increased number of passengers.
  • Infrastructure improvements that are listed in the Master Plan are designed to deal with the recent increase in passenger numbers rather than future increases.
GO TO to see the HWCAAG response.


DfT Night Flight Consultation
The Department for Transport has launched a consultation on night flight restrictions at Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted. This is a very important consultation and I urge you to submit a response. The communities to the east of the airport suffer from intolerable noise at night from arriving aircraft, and it is proven that lack of sleep has a detrimental impact on health and wellbeing. It is vital that the Government does not increase the number of night flights into Gatwick, and we would prefer there to be no night flights at all or for the quota to be reduced. Please take this opportunity to have your say. It is only by responding to this consultation that we will have any chance of success. See The deadline for responses is 28th February 2017.
For a one-click response to the consultation, please see
The HWCAAG response to the Night Flight consultation can be found here
The Chiddingstone Parish Council response to the Night Flight consultation can be found here



Gatwick Airport's Independent Arrivals Review
The Independent Review of Arrivals - commissioned by Gatwick Airport Chairman Sir Roy McNulty - was published on 28th January and identifies measures aimed at reducing the noise impacts of arrivals traffic on local residents around Gatwick. The review summarises the conclusions of a four month consultation and technical exercise undertaken by Bo Redeborn and Graham Lake to determine whether more could be done to lessen the impact of noise on local residents and improve engagement between Gatwick and the community.
A summary of the review can be found here



The Airports Commission consultation for additional runway capacity for the South East
The Airports Commission's recommendation to Government is that there should be a third runway built at Heathrow. Whilst the Parish Council and the HWCAAG are delighted by this news, they are continuing to campaign hard with MPs, Kent County Council and the District and Borough Councils in the area.
Please see The High Weald Councils Aviation Action Group response here