Kent County Council has made changes to their vegetation clearance programme. The schedule is now 60% fixed and 40% reactive. This is due to problems experienced last year when the schedule was 100% fixed with no flexibility. In the Chiddingstone Parish, there is 5,115m. of paths on the fixed schedule, 5 are programmed for one cut, 4 are programmed for two cuts. The reactive part of the programme allows for a further 2,046m. of cutting to take place in the parish. This will take the form of a second round of cutting immediately after the completion of the first schedule. The Parish Council can nominate which paths we would like to be considered for the reactive part of the programme (either not included in the fixed programme or could be a second cut on some fixed schedule paths). If no paths are requested by the Parish Council, then KCC will decide but there are also requests made by the public which will be taken into consideration.
If you have any comments or would like to nominate a path to be considered for a second cut, please contact the Clerk.